Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

You save up to 95% compared to buying the product.
For more than 11 years we have been supplying equipment to every kind of industrial sites.
Available in more than 59 regions of Russia, in Kazakhstan and other countries.
Prompt calculation and fast delivery to your address.

Water meters, heat meters, dispatching systems, etc. Heat meter. Teplovodomer are popular in Russia, as they have all relevant characteristics and parameters for smooth operation.

We invite you to rent Teplovodomer professional equipment at official prices and delivered to your location:

  • Winged water meters VSG, VSGd, VSX, VSHd, VST, etc.
  • Turbine water meters VSKHN, VSKHND, VSGN, VSTN, etc.
  • Combined water meters series VSKHNK, SHKNd, etc.
  • Electromagnetic water meters VSE series, etc .
  • Heat meters ELF-M, ST-3, ST-10x series, etc.
  • Thermal calculators VTE-1 series, etc.
  • Heat distributors E-ITN 30.6 series, etc.
  • Dispatching systems Wireless M-Bus series, etc.
  • Related products filters, flanges, sleeves, etc.

We provide:

  • Market rental rates.
  • Extensive, well-maintained equipment range.
  • Flexible payment terms.
  • Opportunity to buy the rented equipment on good terms.

The wide range of Teplovodomer makes it easy to select the right the group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Teplovodomer: tachometric vane and turbine water meters, combined water meters, electromagnetic flow meters, heat meters, heat distributors, heat meters, dispatch systems, related products for installation in a commercial or industrial facility.

Find out the terms and availability at the service center nearest to you in Russia and the EAEU.

All Teplovodomer products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Teplovodomer: tachometric vane and turbine water meters, combined water meters, electromagnetic flow meters, heat meters, heat distributors, heat meters, dispatch systems, related products
  • Winged water meters Teplovodomer
    Winged water meters
    VSG, VSGd, VSX, VSHd, VST, etc.
  • Turbine water meters Teplovodomer
    Turbine water meters
  • Combined water meters Teplovodomer
    Combined water meters
    series VSKHNK, SHKNd, etc.
  • Electromagnetic water meters Teplovodomer
    Electromagnetic water meters
    VSE series, etc .
  • Heat meters Teplovodomer
    Heat meters
    ELF-M, ST-3, ST-10x series, etc.
  • Thermal calculators Teplovodomer
    Thermal calculators
    VTE-1 series, etc.
  • Heat distributors Teplovodomer
    Heat distributors
    E-ITN 30.6 series, etc.
  • Dispatching systems Teplovodomer
    Dispatching systems
    Wireless M-Bus series, etc.
  • Related products Teplovodomer
    Related products
    filters, flanges, sleeves, etc.

About Teplovodomer

The heat meter has been engaged in the production of heat meters and water meters for more than 20 years. Narrow specialization allows you to constantly improve the technology of development of metering devices. The company has earned a reputation as a reliable partner and a quality manufacturer in Russia and CIS countries.

    The production of water meters and heat meters is a key activity of the company.
  • effectiveness

    The company's products are widely used in numerous spheres of life from apartments to large industrial enterprises and housing and communal services facilities.

    In 2005, the company's activities and products received a certificate of quality compliance according to GOST ISO 9001-2001.

Information Board Teplovodomer

Learn more about our products Teplovodomer.
  • Price list for Heat meter equipment в магазине Тепловодомер
    Price list for Heat meter equipment
  • Repair of VSHN and VSHNd meters производства Тепловодомер
    Repair of VSHN and VSHNd meters
  • Catalog of the dispatching system на сайте Тепловодомер
    Catalog of the dispatching system
  • Questionnaire Heat meter на сайте Тепловодомер
    Questionnaire Heat meter


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